hari ini aku merajinkan diri utk mmbaca...sbb aku tejumpe buku READER'S DIGEST kat tmpat keje aku nie...dlu mmg aku minat baca buku nie sbb k.long aku langgan buku utk 1thn..mmg best padat dgn info n ada story yg sgt funny la kn around the world..hehehe
so td tgh baca2 ada baca ttg "sorry officer"...hehe..kalo dh sebut officer msti la ngn polis traffic kn...artikel ni mmg klaka sbb dia tulis psl the funniest or most unexpected excuses...
totally mmg klaka la...leh try cara ni bila kena tahan ngn polis nnt ye..hahaha
nie adalah excuses yg diguna bila kena thn ngn polis ats beberapa kesalahan jalan raya..hehehe
semua list nie dtg dr polis yg mngalami situasi ini apabila menahan org yg melakukan kesalahan ats jln raya..hehehe...mcm xblh blah je dorng bg excuse kn..hahhaha
1)crossing a white line
MEN: "i cut the white line because yesterday i saw a lorry do it"
WOMEN: " i'm driving here...i can't be looking at the ground!"
2) going through a red light
P: "good day, sir. didn't you see the red light back there?"
MEN: "indeed i saw the light- it's you i didn't see !"
WOMEN: " please don't report me...you can see very clearly that i'm crying....
3) no seatbelt
P: may i ask why the child in the back is not attached?
MEN: "bah, he's not mine- so i dont attach him!"
WOMEN: " dont worry; they'll be solvent in a few years.."
4) no driver's licence
" i have a licence but it was taken away...
i took the test but i had more than five mistakes... but im going to have it!"
5) speeding
" im driving fast because my neighbour is getting on my nerve!" the neighbour seated next to him, nod and says: it's true!"
6) driving the wrong way
a woman going the wrong way down a one-way street. "just what are you doing here, madam?"
WOMEN: " look, it's not indicated on my GPS!!"
tergelak sorng2 aku bila bc semua nie...nk lagi klaka sila pegi beli buku reader's digest sndr ye...keluaran june 2012...mmg hillarious..hahaha
Seaside lunch in my father’s hometown
1 week ago